Chronic Fatigue Self-Diagnosis Questionnaire

Chronic fatigue syndrome refers to fatigue that lasts or recurs for more than 6 months without a specific underlying medical cause, significantly affecting daily life. Chronic fatigue syndrome doesn't improve even with rest. Symptoms worsen with mental and physical activity, causing significant disruption to daily life. Here is a chronic fatigue self-diagnosis questionnaire.

Chronic Fatigue Self-Diagnosis Questionnaire

Item Agree Disagree
I feel more tired and sleepy after meals.
I always feel like my bowels are full.
I still feel tired and heavy after exercise.
Even if I take cold medicine, I don't get better easily.
I always seem to have a headache.
I can't focus on work and get bored easily.
I feel heavy when I wake up in the morning.
My stomach feels bloated and uneasy after meals.
I have a sore throat and feel pain in my armpits or neck.
Even with enough rest, I can't sleep well or wake up often.
I get irritable and nervous easily.
My urine is weak, and I always feel like I need to pee more.
I get a fever and a fast heartbeat for no reason.
There is no hard work, but my muscle or joint pain does not go away.